Plan for tomorrow today!
Plan for tomorrow today!
Mortgage Protection is a simplified, quick issue insurance that is used to protect our client's greatest asset. Mortgage protection plans are designed to provide a death benefit to pay off all, or a portion of, a clients mortgage.
Riders available in most states include disability income and return of premium if the policy is not used. This product is customized to fit each client's needs and budget.
Final expense plans are designed to remove, or offset, the financial stress associated with the death of a loved one. These plans are available in varying coverage amounts to fit the clients budget. Due to the diversity of our carriers, agents are able to find coverage for their clients no matter their current health status may be.
Retirement planning today is the key to insure our clients are not concerned about employment after the age of 60 or before. Everyone's situation is different and that is why we offer many different products to help our clients achieve their retirement goals.
With the stock market volatility, our products allow our clients to participate in the gains and not in the losses. All of our retirement planning products either grow on a tax deferred basis or on a tax free basis. Clients can also opt to add benefits such as living benefits, income riders and more to ensure a worry free retirement.
One of our biggest concerns related to new generations is the rapidly rising cost of a college education. Unfortunately, with the rising costs associated with educations, they are being forced to pay for it with borrowed money. We are incredibly passionate about educating our clients, their families and future generations on the many college funding options available. Our literacy experts are here to assist both agents and clients on these options to ensure their futures are bright and unencumbered by student loan debt.
Living benefits insurance provides a lump-sum benefit upon diagnosis of a covered critical, chronic or terminal illness. This payout helps our clients avoid the financial burden that can be created by those diagnosis. Our clients have found this beneficial in getting treatment they may need, spending time with their family and friends, keeping their home, and filling financial gaps left by most medical insurances.
Eliminating your debt can provide you with a sense of peace, freedom, and more opportunities to live the life you have always envisioned for yourself. With a specialized whole life or permanent policy, you can use funds from within your policy to pay off current debts. Becoming debt-free can be a slow and steady process, but customized plans can help speed up your pay-off and get you to a life without debt sooner than you ever expected!
Elizabeth Martinez Genova was busy living her life to the fullest. When her friend Alberto Carballeira approached her about Living Benefits life insurance, she was hesitant at first. But after learning about how Living Benefits could allow her to access her death benefit while she was still living if she ever got sick, Elizabeth saw the value in it and put a policy in place for herself. She had no idea how fateful that wise decision would prove to be.
National Marketing Director
President & CEO of the The Bill Lampe Group
Since 2004
Location: Weatherford, TX
National Marketing Director
Vice President of The Bill Lampe Group
Since 2012
Location: Weatherford, TX
Sales Manager
CEO of The Boroff Agency
Since 2002
Location: Astor, FL
CEO of McCune Financial
Since 2020
Location: Evans, CO
CEO of Fenice Financial
Since 2021
Location: Highland, IN
CEO of Redi Life Group
Since 2024
Location: Kasas City, MO
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